Moments: At the Genesis

Pat Marsh

2 December 2019

at the genesis of our calling
how little we understand
the implications
of our ‘yes’

you will become
pregnant with child
and give birth to a son
whom you are to call

he will be
the long promised Messiah
and you, Mary
are highly favoured
highly honoured
to be chosen by God

how little we understand
that which we assent to
when we commit
to God’s call upon our life

how little we realise
what the implications
might turn out to be
and the truth
that blessings
so often come
wrapped in pain
and journeys
most often unfold
along pathways
not of our choosing

and just because the Creator calls
doesn’t guarantee
he’ll make it easy

and the future
will rarely be
how we had planned for it to be

at the genesis of our calling
how little we understand
the implications
of our ‘yes’

©Pat Marsh
Image Matt Hoffman,