A Word In Season

Reflections on Spirituality, Faith and Ethics

The Rt. Rev Richard Randerson

Cost: $20.00 - Payment may be made by cheque to: Vaughan Park Anglican Retreat Centre. With email and fax orders an invoice will be sent.

About A Word in Season

We live at a time when faith for many is foreign territory, or a distant memory.  Yet in a fast-changing global community, the need for a sense of purpose, and a basis in values to guide our actions and choices, has never been more urgent.

In this edited selection of media articles, public addresses and sermons from the last decade, Richard Randerson explores contemporary issues in faith, personal spirituality and ethics.  In an age when the pace of change often outstrips our capacity to set compass bearings, or to discern life-enhancing criteria for personal and corporate decision-making, here is a book to foster an awareness of those truths that lie at the heart of fulfilled living and community relationships.

Each of the 30 pieces is introduced with a brief paragraph setting it in context.  Quetions are set at the end of each piece to assist personal reflection or group discussion.