
  • Litany with Twelve candles

    The Rev. Erice Fairbrother 23 December 2017

    Litany with Twelve candles

    We stand in solidarity with all who wait for justice
    All:  We wait in solidarity with all who wait for their human rights to be recognised
    We remember in solidarity all who suffer from discrimination
    All:  We kneel in solidarity with all who pray for their inclusion in Christ to made a reality

    Four candles are lit

    We weep in solidarity with all who weep out of frustration
    All: We lift up our hands in solidarity with all who raise banners and march for freedom
    We keep silence in solidarity with all who have been silenced
    All: We listen in solidarity with all who are hearing even the stones shout out

    Four candles are lit

    We live while others debate
    All: We love while others debate the right to love
    We stand in the presence of the sacred even as the right to sacramental life is debated
    All: We are here and remember the many others who cannot be here

    Four candles are lit

    To cry in frustration
    All: To kneel and beseech
    To shout like stones
    All: To keep sacred silence

    A time of silence is held

    We gather and hold fast to what is good
    All: To love as we have first been loved by the beloved other
    The love of the sacred other
    All: Source of our truth and freedom
    It is in this love we wait, and pray

    All: Christ, love-maker
    Hear our prayer

    © ecfairbrother
    Image www.theyoke.org