The Rev. Maren C. Tirabassi

Maren C. Tirabassi is the author of eighteen books, most published by Pilgrim Press, including the recent From the Psalms to the Cloud – Connecting to the Digital Age with Maria Mankin and forty-six contributors. She maintains the global worship blog Gifts in Open Hands at:

Maren has been a pastor for thirty-four years (intentionally bi-vocational with the writing ministry for the last twenty) and currently serves Union United Church of Christ in Madbury, New Hampshire. Maren leads workshops on creative worship and liturgical writing and memoir and poetry in a range of settings from recovery group to senior centre, correctional facility to English as a Second Language class. She lives with Don Tirabassi and Willie the beagle in Portsmouth, USA and loves hiking, swimming, reading, quilting, and writing science fiction or fantasy for fun.