Moments: Pity-Party in a Pandemic

The Rev. Maren Tirabassi

20 March 2020

God, hear our whining:

Some of us are really disappointed
that we had to cancel a trip
or annoyed at a quarantine birthday.

Some of us had Broadway tickets,
were going to play in March Madness,
had amazing spring break plans,
or wanted to savor special moments
at the end of senior year.

Some of us are really, really lonely
(but nothing help-worthy is wrong)
and some of us
could really, really k...
use some time away from our kids.

We are cranky and disappointed.

But we cannot really say so --
when people are grieving or ill,
losing their employment,
working tirelessly in medical facilities,
responding to crises,
creating vaccines,
making decisions for cities or schools
businesses, entertainment venues
churches or whole countries.

We should be praying in intercession
for all the important things,
not holding tight to the last
box of wipes and frozen pizza
for our petty pity-party.

But you have always called
our whining -- psalms.
You let us pound
the small fists of our frustration
against your strong and gentle love,
not pushing us to “amen”
until we’ve finished everything
we need to let go.

Thank you. Amen.

© Maren Tirabassi