Our Vision

Dear Friends of Vaughan Park,

Vaughan Park as you know from your visit is a special place of hospitality where people find solace and nourishing in equal measure.

I am writing to you as we have a vision to make our gardens here in the grounds of Vaughan Park, gardens of significance that bring meaning and beauty to people’s lives, gardens which will invite community engagement and be accessible to all with disabilities.

Our hope of a Labyrinth in the middle provides an opportunity to enhance the gardens and provide the jewel in the crown for bigger garden plans including a sculpture trail.

It will be an inspirational and creative place, with pathways that twist and turn leading towards the centre...a place where meaning and healing can be experienced through symbols and words.

We need your help. Your gift or koha could make this possible and you would be acknowledged for your support. If you are interested, then click on this: labyrinth and you will be taken to information about the garden, and also how to give, starting with donations of $5. Our donate site is: donate

I thank you on behalf of Vaughan Park staff, guests and board for considering this dream.

Blessings, Iain
